It is the job of every homeowner to do everything possible to keep their home properly secured. While an alarm system can be very helpful, there are also other things to consider. Continue reading to see how you might be able to improve your home’s security.

TIP! Have your dog protect the spare key. This works with a dog that stays outside or a dog with a pet door.

Only provide your house cleaner with a key if you trust him or her implicitly. Make sure you know they are legitimate before giving out the key. Read through their references very carefully, and don’t hesitate to follow up on their references to ensure they actually exist. If it is a known company, check with your local BBB.

Keep your most precious belongings inside a safe. If a burglar enters your home, he or she will have a hard time making off with your possessions. The safe should be kept hidden in a basement or attic.

TIP! Providing a key to the person cleaning your home can be acceptable, but you must be sure they are honest and worthy of your confidence. Make sure you know they are legitimate before giving out the key.

When you decide to purchase a home alarm system, make sure you comparison shop. Some companies offer comparable levels of protection that can be priced very differently. Make sure you get quotes from at least three companies before you decide on which one you think is the best option.

If you will be vacationing for an extended period of time, turn off the ringer on all the phones in your house. A ringing phone that goes unanswered may signal to a burglar that nobody is home.

TIP! Keep your jewelry, vital documents and other expensive items in a safe. This is essential, because you would never want valuable jewelry and other items to be seen by intruders.

If your garage is attached to your home, always keep it secure. Lots of folks are concerned about burglars gaining access to the garage and then the home, but this can be addressed. If the garage door lifts via a track, you can use a C-clamp to stop your door from opening at the hands of intruders.

Follow your instincts when choosing a home security company. This is especially true if you are uneasy with those who are installing the actual system. You don’t want to refrain from choosing a different company or technician. Do some background research on the company you select, and look for people who make you feel safe.

TIP! When looking for a system to secure your home, do comparison shopping. Several different firms may offer similar protection for wildly divergent prices.

People who live rurally often don’t think about home security. Due to the distance between neighbors, some think rural areas are more likely to have intruders. However, understand that regardless of where you live, a theft can occur anywhere. Therefore, you need to be prepared.

When installing your home security system, make sure to hide the wires. You don’t want a burglar to get access to them and disable your system. Keep the wires hidden in the walls or underground to keep intruders from getting in. This will make you much safer.

TIP! If you have an extensive online presence that includes a lot of people you don’t know too well, avoid announcing upcoming vacations. While these platforms are there for sharing, this is announcing to the world that your home is an open target.

Don’t leave the packaging from any electronics or expensive purchases sitting on the curb until trash day. If you leave the boxes out all week, it lets people know what type of items you have in your home.

If someone from the security company comes to your home, ask to see their ID before allowing them in. Thieves may say they are from a certain company to get into your home. This represents a danger to your possessions and your family. Be careful to avoid any potential dangers.

TIP! Your friends may have some great advice for choosing the right company. Other people will probably have personal experience with these companies that are either good or bad.

Whenever seeking out home-security companies, the Internet can be a valuable resource, so utilize it. Go through different websites and investigate testimonials about different companies and packages. Once you have selected a few potential home security providers, set appointments to interview them and find out what they have on offer.

Wireless System

TIP! Do not let people you don’t know in your house. Even if the person has a compelling story, needs help or has something to sell, they should not be given access.

Think about having a wireless security system for the home installed. A wired system should be less expensive but you might have to spend your money on getting your home rewired. A wireless system is easy to install and to maintain. Besides, you will still be able to count on your wireless system in case of a power outage.

If you will be going out of time, have someone you trust get your mail. Also, have them look for fliers stuck in your door. Burglars sometimes tack these up and watch to see whether or not they are removed. If the flier stays in place, the burglar knows that the homeowner is out on vacation.

TIP! Stashing your most precious possession right inside the walls of your home can be a great idea. This doesn’t necessarily involve chopping up your walls, either.

You need a home security system. Video cameras are a great deterrent. Cameras that can be clearly seen have a powerful deterrent effect, while concealed cameras are difficult or impossible for intruders to disable. Some security systems are accessible via mobile phone, which lets you look in on your house when away.

Make sure that your garage is not visible from the outside in. Use frosting to cover the garage window, so people cannot peer inside. Also keep your garage door closed whenever possible, especially if you will be stepping away from it for an extended period of time.

TIP! If you have a home security system installed, make sure the wires are hidden. An intruder can cut the wires or disconnect them and avoid the system.

After having read these tips, you should now feel much safer. There is a lot of information to take in, but you are better prepared to create your security system. You can do this by applying what you’ve learned here.

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